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Dianne Mathiowetz: Standing for Justice- Ebon Dooley Art and Social Justice Awards

The inaugural Ebon Dooley Arts & Justice Awards, named after the ArtsXchange’s legendary founder, will highlight four artists and activists using their respective platforms to advance access and justice. On this occasion, we gladly honor Dianne Mathiowetz with our Social Justice Champion Award.

We believe our Social Justice Champions should demonstrate a history of working individually and/or with others to achieve improvements in the human condition. This work might include, for example, waging campaigns for quality, affordable and accessible health care, education, job training, and housing; helping to guarantee every person’s right to live, work, get educated, receive medical attention, create families, and play anywhere, regardless of race, ethnicity, birthplace, nationality, or gender identity.

Dianne Mathiowetz has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to lending her voice and energy to organizing for social change. We salute her work as a partner in the coalition of artists and activists known as 50 Artists/50 Shots that hosted several public events focusing on police killings and political prisoners. In addition, we recognize her work as Vice President of the Board of Directors of WRFG 89.3FM, and support for workers’ demands for living wages, healthcare and other benefits.

We congratulate Dianne on her lifetime of standing up and showing up for artists, activists and workers on a variety of issues, and we invite you to celebrate with us as we honor her at REVIVAL! Grab your tickets here.


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